

My name is Dilly and I am a 19 year old student who loves to travel.

I set up this blog before going away to Nepal as a way of documenting my travels and as a way in which I could keep everyone at home up to date with my various adventures. It also serves as a great memoir to look back on when I’m sat in rainy London studying, reminiscing about the better times of freedom! As much as I hope that you enjoy reading this blog, part of me is well aware that I really write this blog for me and my love of travel and of writing.

As you can probably guess there are sometimes events that I choose not to put in my blog… my mummy and grandparents read this and I don’t want to give them a heart attack. However, I do try and write honestly about how I’m feeling and what I am doing. I want people to read my blog and feel the love and adventure that I feel when I travel as well as the mishaps and moments of feeling defeated.  I just might skip some of the bits about motorbikes…

It is also worth noting that often when I go travelling I don’t take anything other than my phone technology wise…this may help to explain the somewhat chaotic display of the site before I get home and make it look pretty. If I’m honest the aesthetic is secondary to me anyway, I simply want a place to express my love of travel and all the crazy adventures and situations that I end up in! Along the same lines, places I visit don’t always have great internet…this means that uploading photos can be difficult and whilst I tend to write everyday ( I really do treat this blog as a diary!) I don’t always have the facilities to upload the post. Whilst I realise that this sends my mum into a downward spiral of worry about ridiculous possible problems that I may be facing, quite often that’s not the case and I am alive and safe and probably having too good a time to remember to send a quick text home confirming that yes I was alive and no I had not been eaten by a polar bear in Nepal. Having a great time also explains the sometimes horrific grammar and spelling mistakes I make without even flitting an eyelid, who has time for grammar and spelling checks when there is a whole world out there to explore! Similarly, the incomprehensible sentences full of jumbled and intangible phrases are quite often a reflection of when I write the blog, late at night after a busy day in a dark, often mosquito ridden, room.

Please feel free to comment or email me! I am always happy to hear feedback and to give advice if you are planning a trip to any of the areas I have visited.

Dilly (aka The Wanderer.) x

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